Everyone who is staff or faculty at the U of M may shop in U Market. Certain students my also have been provided access. If you are having difficulty accesssing U Market, contact U Market Customer Support by calling 612-624-4878 or emailing [email protected] for assistance.
Google Chrome is the recommended browser for shopping in U Market. If you can't use Google Chrome, we recommend using Firefox.
When you first use U Market, your browser may prevent punchout sites from loading as they open as pop-ups. To enable pop-ups on U Market, look for an icon with an "X" on it in the address bar. Click on it and enable pop-ups for this site.
U Market Suppliers have specific times to get your order to meet their delivery lead time. Visit the Supplier Information page for individual cutoff and delivery lead times.
For additional training materials click here. If you need additional help beyond what is provided, contact U Market Customer Support at [email protected] for one-on-one training.
Shipping prices vary depending on the supplier. See the "Supplier Information" page for the shipping policies of each U Market supplier.
Due to the handling of dry ice and the scheduled delivery times, dry ice cannot be ordered on U Market. To order dry ice call, visit this page.
For details on how to return an item, visit our Product Returns page.
Several times a day, EFS take the requisitions that have been approved and creates purchase orders. These POs are then dispatched by EFS electronically at 10am, 1pm, 3pm, and 4pm. Note, however, that these times are approximate and there is no PO dispatch at 4pm on Fridays.
Hosted means that the supplier’s catalog, including pricing, is actually loaded into the application that runs U Market. Any items from these suppliers will show the price and can be added right into the cart from the search results. As for punchout suppliers, there are two levels: Level I Punch Out Suppliers — Items from these suppliers will not show up in searches on U Market. To order items from these suppliers, click on their icon on the first U Market page. This will take you to their web site where you can search for items, put them in your cart, and return them to U Market. Level II Punch Out Suppliers — Items from these suppliers will show up in U Market searches. To order items from these suppliers, search for their items in U Market and when you find them, click on the “order from supplier” link to the right of the item. This will take you to that item on the supplier’s web site, where you can put the item in your cart.
Type into the justification field all the information your requeseter will need to process the requisition, including: EFS chart string to charge the purchase to Reason for purchase (i.e. what it's used for, who is it for, etc.) Delivery address Name of person who should receive the products
The best place for the shopper to document the information is in the "justification and ChartField information" box that displays when you go to assign the cart. The EFS Requisition Preparer enters the ship-to location code on the requisition so that it appears on the order sent to the supplier.
If you have EFS requisition access (either full access or “U Market orders only” access) you must enter U Market through EFS, using one of these two paths: 1) MyU > Purchasing tab > EFS Create Req icon 2) MyU > Key Links > PeopleSoft > EFS/Finance > Main Menu > eProcurement tile > Requisition If you are an EFS Requisition Preparer, you will only be able to access U Market through EFS. In EFS, go to the eProcurement tile, then the Create Requisition page will appear. Click on the U Market hyperlink. You can shop in U Market and pull carts back into EFS from this link. If you are a NEW EFS Requisition Preparer, we may need to update your account setup within the U Market tool itself. Please send an email to [email protected] and identify yourself as a new EFS Requisition Preparer needing access to U Market. We’ll make the necessary updates that allow you to shop as a Requisition Preparer.
If the ‘Return Cart to EFS’ button is greyed out, the codes still need to be selected in the Summary tab for the whole order. If there is a line that needs to have a different set of codes, click on the General tab and go down to the line to be changed. Then click on the Edit button to select the codes for that line. The codes in the Summary tab must be selected before the cart can be processed into EFS.
For help retrieving a lost cart follow this simple guide!
Most suppliers are invoicing electronically, therefore, there is no paper invoice. The system will compare the invoice to the purchase order and process it for payment automatically unless the system detects an error between what is invoiced and what was purchased. Contact U Market Services Customer Support 612-624-4878 or [email protected], if you have a question about an invoice or receive a paper copy of an invoice for a U Market order.
Find out more about eStatements here: https://estatement.umn.edu/ eStatements are provided by Auxiliary Services and contain detailed information about purchases made from U Services units. If you've never seen one, visit their web site and try running an eStatement for your project, program, or department.
No. System receiving against U Market purchase orders is automatically performed when the order is invoiced by the supplier. You do not need to go into EFS and mark the purchase order lines as received. The department still has the responsibility of ensuring that they physically receive the goods they ordered. Contact U Market Customer Support (4-4878 or [email protected]) if you do not receive the correct items.
The justification information entered by the shopper does not get sent to EFS. It is recommended that the requisition preparer click on the justification tab in the shopping cart, copy the content and the paste it into the justification field in EFS.
Yes. Requisition approvals will apply as they do now in EFS at the same threshold levels that currently exist. Shopping carts do not need to be sent to EFS Approvers first. They should be assigned to the EFS Requisition Preparer and submitted to EFS. If any approvals are needed, EFS will obtain them.
If the category you need is not listed, please send an email to [email protected] to request that it be added. Keep in mind that categories are an important reporting tool for the whole University and there may occasionally be requests for additions or changes that cannot be accommodated.
Shoppers in U Market may accidently select the wrong Assignee. If you receive an email saying you have a cart assigned to you and you do not recognize the user or you are not responsible for processing orders, there are a couple of different actions you can take: If you don’t work with U Market, call the person listed in the email as having created the cart, ask them to UNASSIGN it, and then have them assign it to the correct person. You can return the cart to the user by accessing U Market from the SHOP NOW button at umarket.umn.edu and follow these steps: Click on the Action Items button Click on Carts Assigned to Me Click on the Cart name Click on the Return Cart button (top middle of page) Enter a note letting the user know that you are not the correct Assignee Click on Return You can assign the cart to the correct EFS Requisition Preparer, if you know who that is, by accessing U Market from the SHOP NOW button at umarket.umn.edu and following these steps: Click on the Action Items button Click on Assign Click on Search for an assignee Enter the last name of the person and click on Search Select the person’s name from the list Click on Assign