Hosted means that the supplier’s catalog, including pricing, is actually loaded into the application that runs U Market. Any items from these suppliers will show the price and can be added right into the cart from the search results. As for punchout suppliers, there are two levels: Level I Punch Out Suppliers — Items from these suppliers will not show up in searches on U Market. To order items from these suppliers, click on their icon on the first U Market page. This will take you to their web site where you can search for items, put them in your cart, and return them to U Market. Level II Punch Out Suppliers — Items from these suppliers will show up in U Market searches. To order items from these suppliers, search for their items in U Market and when you find them, click on the “order from supplier” link to the right of the item. This will take you to that item on the supplier’s web site, where you can put the item in your cart.